
Sunday, 8 December 2013

create a simple contact form for blogger

Today i,m going to tell you that " How to create contact form for blogger " . Contact us page is one of the most important page in our blogs because it helps people to making contact with you . Contact form is used in many ways example are feedback, guest post, visitors query, Your service and many...
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Monday, 28 January 2013

mybloggertricks v2 like blogger responsive template

mybloggertricks v2 like new blogger responsive template As ween seen on internet Mybloggertricks.com is one of the top blogging blog on the internet and in few past days mybloggertricks wear a new dress mean they are some up with a new responsive template which is very beautiful and responsive....
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Sunday, 27 January 2013

how to earn money through google adsense

Google adsense ads program Google is adsense is one of the best way to earn from website or a blog. Adsense is not a get rich quick program you have to built your site or blog a lot to earn some money. But how to make a site, you can use blogger and wordpress as a blogging platform these services...
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Saturday, 26 January 2013

how to add meta tags for each post in blogger

Seo for blogger blog Adding meta tags in blogger is really a best way to drive traffic from search engines and it really good for seo of your blog. but did you know that we can also add separate meta tags for each post. so each post has his own data in google search engine. meta tags are really...
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how to customize 404 page for blogger

Custom 404 pages for blogger 404, what the mean of 404 page not found its mean when user click on an invalid link or an expired link So your user will redirected to 404 error page. error pages have many type but in blogger the most common error page is 404 error page. Now a days you can see how...
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Friday, 25 January 2013

beautiful numbered page navigation for blogger blog

I recently Posted about characters and count tools for blogger  which my readers really like but some of them ask me about blogger widgets. Some ask me about seo and blogger templates but i decide to post about blogger widgets. Blogger widgets are playing an important role in designing of blogs...
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Thursday, 24 January 2013

characters and words counter tool for blogger

Word counter tool for blogger Today i,m going to give you a tool with which you can count your post words mean you can count that how many words are in your post. This is very important for every blogger that he know about word counting it is one of the most important part of blogging many bloggers...
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social buttons with hover effect like labnol.org

Today i,m going to tell you that how to add a beautiful social networking buttons to your blogger blog. these networking buttons are inspired from labnol.org . social networking buttons are one of the best way to engaged your users and it will create a better relation of you with your readers here's...
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